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There are many things that Scripture says are right or wrong. However, there are many facets of modern choices that are not explicitly addressed by Scripture. We are required to apply Biblical principles as we navigate our daily choices. Not comfortable with that personal choice, some Christian leaders have attempted to add clarifying rules to help us choose. One of these rules, which undergirds many legalistic arguments is that things are wrong because they are associated with evil. We’ll call it the rule of “guilt by association.” But is this really a Biblically justified rule? And if we applied this rule uniformly, what other things would we end up banning? In order to evaluate this argument, we will first hold it to the light of Scripture, and then see how the rule holds up when we start to apply it fairly, not just when supporting pre-existing beliefs.
Does the Bible say to not do anything that is associated with evil?
The most often cited verse in defense of this rule is 1 Thessalonians 5:22, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” While I will analyze the modern meaning of the KJV translation below, in this case, we should also examine the translation. While the underlying Greek is not disputed, most modern translators, and archaic translators as far back as John Wycliffe, translate the phrase “avoid every form of evil.” This means the verse isn’t about avoiding things that are good, but look evil, it’s about avoiding the numerous types of evil. Context and historical interpretation as far back as Polycarp support this interpretation. It’s quite possible the KJV translators would have agreed as well, but that the subtext of the word “appearance” has changed since the 17th century. They may have meant “avoid every instance of evil.” You can read an in-depth assessment of that here.
Even if we accept the modern meaning of the KJV translation, the verse still does not say “abstain from things associated with evil,” it says that what we do should not look evil. “Association with evil” just means that an action has interacted with evil – an evil person invented it or it sits on the shelf next to something evil. “Appearance of evil” is an action that is not evil, but looks to a casual observer as if it is. This verse doesn’t actually say anything about actions associated with evil – it talks about a different, albeit related, topic.
Note that the definition of evil is also constrained by Scripture, not a subjective term that people can use to make us do what they want. “You shouldn’t listen to that music because I think drums are evil.” “Drumming” is not an evil mentioned in Scripture. The Bible still gets to define what evil is. You shouldn’t spend a night in a hotel with a person of the opposite sex that you are not married to, because it makes it appear that you are committing adultery – a specific, Biblically defined evil.
Ok, so if we accept the KJV interpretation of the Greek, we shouldn’t do things that make us look like we are doing evil, but our world is full of evil. A tremendous number of ordinary actions and places provide opportunities to do evil or look like you’re doing evil. What guides us as we try to avoid looking like we’re doing evil? If you send an email on your phone, someone may think you are posting hateful comments on a racist discussion forum. If you go into a restaurant that has alcohol, people might think you are a drunkard. If you talk quietly with a friend after church, you may look like you are gossiping. In Europe, gas stations very often have fully naked women on the covers of magazines in full view. Clearly, looking at such magazines is wrong, but is it wrong to go into the gas station? How do we abstain from the appearance of evil when opportunities to do evil are connected to everyday life?
There is an excellent Biblical example that gives advice on what to do when a practice is associated with evil. It is Paul’s advice concerning eating food sacrificed to idols. It seems that in Roman times, the easiest way to get meat was to buy meat from a place near a temple, where it had previously been sacrificed to an idol (go figure, the idols never actually ate it). The Bible even suggests that sometimes you would actually go into a part of the pagan temple and eat the cooked meat on the spot. This practice was deeply associated with pagan idolatry, and was sometime recommended against for new Christians who didn’t want to return to an old lifestyle.
Paul could have simply said “don’t eat food sacrificed to idols” and taken one verse to do so. Instead, he devotes four chapters to discussion of the issue. In Romans 14, Paul elaborates that eating meat sacrificed is not inherently immoral, but some are personally convicted against it. He tells us that weak Christians should not judge those who eat the meat sacrificed to idols. V 4 “Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth.” In other places, the Bible tells us to lovingly correct Christians who are sinning, since Paul didn’t say that here, clearly eating meat sacrificed to idols can’t be sin. He also tells us that strong Christians shouldn’t intentionally do anything that may cause a weak Christian to violate their own personal conviction. V 21 “It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.” This is also the passage in which Paul says “let not your good be evil spoken of.” This verse is often cited in the context of the rule against any action associated with evil.
Paul delivers a similar message in 1 Corinthians 8:10, where he says even more strongly that eating food sacrificed to idols is not wrong, however “if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol’s temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols” So, we see that Paul didn’t see an inherent moral problem with going to a pagan temple to buy meat that had just been sacrificed to idols, but he wouldn’t do it if he knew there was a weak Christian around who thought that he might be there to worship the idol. Or perhaps, he might buy it in the marketplace, but he wouldn’t go inside the temple to eat it.
Does this mean that a man who says “I believe it causes a stumbling block of lust if a woman shows her wrists” gets to make all Christian women hide their wrists? No. The Bible doesn’t say we must kowtow to the strictest standard in the room. Paul gives us clear liberty, but then says we must exercise that liberty with love. In 1 Cor. 8:8-9, he says “But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse. But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.” So Paul calls eating meat sacrificed to idols a “liberty” – which means it is something that a Christian can do righteously. He doesn’t say “give up your liberty lest you become a stumblingblock,” he says “take heed [be aware] lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock.” He then says that while you can eat food sacrificed to idols, you should be careful to do it in a way that means you won’t confuse others about whether you practice idolatry.
So, for example, how would we deal with the person who thinks women should cover their wrists? First, we must ask if we are really going to make him or anyone else stumble. In 98% of cases with such an extreme rule, that answer is no. Such a claim is made to be controlling, not out of a humble cry of weakness. Second, if we think he could really stumble, we should probably take action to strengthen his faith, so that he is not always so weak. Third, if the guy is really this weak, maybe women should stay away from him for a while. He sounds kind of creepy. These actions would allow a Christian woman to exercise her liberty of showing her wrists, while dealing with another person in love, so as not to be a stumbling block to him.
The Bible teaches that exercise of Christian liberty is a loving give and take – not a “demand and do.”
Even in the very passages that detractors cite, the Bible is overwhelmingly clear that we can morally partake in practices that are associated with evil. As long as you exercise your liberty in love and with caution, it is your right to do things that are associated with evil, as long as they don’t make you look like you are acting in an evil way.
In light of this, how do we solve the problem of whether we can go into a gas station with provocative imagery? Does that violate the Biblical principle of not looking like you’re doing something evil? The answer is that it is a case by case determination, guided by Biblical principles. A man spending a night in a hotel with a woman to whom he is not married has very few explanations other than adultery. Going into a gas station has plenty of reasonable explanations other than satisfying lust. But even with the same case, the best course of action may depend on the person. At one extreme is a married woman, who is in no way tempted, nor viewed to be tempted by lust after pictures of provocative women – I see no reason why she shouldn’t be able to buy a soda at that gas station. At another extreme is a man who was just converted last week and is in the habit of thumbing through the magazines every time he goes in – he should probably pay at the pump or his friends will think he’s gone back to his old ways. Where you fall is a matter of your discretion, which will increase in accuracy as you “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior” and follow the guidance of the Spirit.
How does the “guilt by association” rule work in practice?
The Bible explicitly contradicts the idea that you can assert that all things that are associated with evil are therefore evil. The Bible teaches that preventing others from stumbling is complicated, based on love, and cannot be practiced simply by applying a guilt by association rule. In addition to that, the guilt by association rule doesn’t work very well anyways, because many ordinary things are associated with evil at some point. There are three main versions of this rule, that I will analyze in turn. I’m not going to analyze the all the facets of the example statements here, I’ll just show that the argument itself is insufficient to support the restriction.
A) The Recent Past
For example, “Women shouldn’t wear pants, because they are associated with aspects of the feminist movement, which rejects the Biblical truth that men and women are different.” If this is a good argument, what else is true? Women working outside the home is associated with the feminist movement. Women voting is associated with the feminist movement. Women having the right to own property is associated with earlier parts of the feminist movement. Women wearing bras instead of corsets is associated with the feminist movement. Women going to college is associated with the feminist movement. If the feminist movement associations are a good reason not to wear pants, then women shouldn’t ever work outside the home. I’ll bet your great-grandmother who never wore pants probably didn’t have a college degree either.
B) The Distant or Pagan Past
For example, “Wedding rings are wrong, because they were invented by the pagan Greeks and therefore associated with paganism.” If this is a good argument, what else is true? The pagan Greeks also invented the shower, the spiral staircase, democracy, the truss roof, and many other things which we would also have to throw out. The names for the days of the week, months of the year, planets, and the words “Easter” and “Hell” are all derived from pagan gods. The bouquet, bridesmaids, and the veil of the bride were all pagan traditions which originated to distract and ward off evil spirits. Bronze, paper, the ox drawn plow, the sickle, the modern alphabet, the sun dial, the calendar, toothpaste, glass, shaving, high heels, and breath mints were all invented by the pagan Egyptians – some in conjunction with pagan worship. Pagans invented temples before God ever instructed His people to build one. Paul quotes pagan philosophers in 1 Corinthians 15:33, and does so positively.
C) The Biblical Past
For example, “Makeup is wrong, because it was associated with the wicked queen Jezebel.” If this is a good argument, what else is true? Jezebel also was the only one in Scripture to talk to someone from a window (which she did as a part of her plan to deter Jehu from killing her, just like the makeup). “Graven images” or statues of any kind, are always associated with idol worship – that would include any ceramic figurine (essentially a higher tech clay idol) or wooden carving. “Scarlet” or red clothes are both associated with the prostitutes in Scripture. A platter or a “charger” is only associated with the decapitation of John the Baptist. The instruments that were used to worship Nebuchadnezzar’s image were the same ones the psalmist used to praise God. The phrase “I love you” is only found in Scripture referring to anyone other than God, when Delilah said it to Samson. Washing hands is explicitly associated with the Pharisees, but not the disciples. “Long prayers” are exclusively associated with the Pharisees. Baldness is always associated with the judgement of God.
In summary, the “guilt by association” rule is not found in Scripture, and is undermined by Pauls’ statements that Christians can eat food that was associated with the evil of idol worship. Furthermore, we find that this principle is only applied when convenient, to justify pre-existing beliefs. If we applied it more fairly, none of us would shower, own figurines, or hope our daughters go to college. What the Bible teaches instead is liberty to make our own choices about things not addressed in Scripture, as long as we do so with love and awareness of the people around us.
-Nathan Mayo
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Does that include entertainment?
Like for example I like FNAF (Five
Nights At Freddys) as entertainment but as a man that has struggled with porn/lust for years when i have looked at what I think is the
“corrupted” version of that entertainment, hence porn, so then do I HAVE to cut that franchise just because some idiot made a porn out of it?
My concern is if I cut these things due to association then I’d be left with nothing and live pretty much like a monk, l’ve gone back and forth with this for a year with another friend of mine (who’s Calvinist but not hyper) and I want to make sure cause I WANT to enjoy what I like cause many things enjoy from my childhood but I want to know what the Bible says SPECIFICALLY cause
I’ve had a hard time trying to find it
BUT it would be different IF that said franchise ENCOURAGES or shows the immoral behavior that I’m struggling with (like Fifty Shades of Grey), like I struggle with DID (damsel in distress scenes) that’s whyrve nad to cut out
Scooby Doo because it shows that idk how many times, comics is more of a mixed bag so I would be careful
But can we agree that the ORIGINAL intent of certain entertainment
choices like Marvel comics, movies etc are NOT the same as what the other person does to “corrupt” it into something else like porn? Unless they CHANGE it to be that way then that’s a different conversation
Oh and I would also add images that are not exactly porn but images that would make me struggle that can be found in Devaintart, Twitter among others
P.S: sorry for a long comment I just like to be detailed and I want to know
EXACTLY if I have to cut things just by mere guilt by association
P.P.S: if it ends up being repeated twice I apologize i just wanted to make sure you guys got this questions cause it’s important to me to know this
Hi Markus,
Please understand that although I’m saying “guilt by association” is not a biblical method to determine which behaviors are and are not acceptable, there are other valid biblical standards. So forget about guilt by association, it is a bad standard and contributes nothing towards answering your questions.
Check out my article “Where Should We Draw the Lines” for a standard you should use.
The bottom line is there are three valid biblical standards: Commandment, conscience, and effect.
Commandment: if God’s word says not to do something explicitly, then obey.
Conscience: if you feel wrong when you do something, stop.
Effect: if a permissible action routinely results in you or someone else committing a subsequent sin, don’t do it.
These standards are not only more biblical, they are far more practically useful.
That is brilliant! I love the concise and clear nature of this advice. I am a pastor who has just discovered your website, while considering how to respond to some “guilt by association” concerns. Thank you for your work.
Thanks, James! Glad you found this helpful.
Question, is
“hope our daughters go to college”
A biblical thing to hope for, or is it kinda like “hope our chocolate isn’t melted”? Although admitting that is possibly less important to some who wouldn’t hope their chocolate is not melted, although some may indeed, especially if they take 1 Corinthians 13 explicitly.
Does hopes destiny of college fall under the category of charity that:
” Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.”
I’m using the word “hope” in the sense of desire. While I don’t think college is right for everyone, I point out that most people who condemn women’s pants on grounds of its association with the feminist movement, also celebrate if one of their daughters attends college, which is also a course of action pioneered by the feminist movement.
Thus, they are inconsistent. I am consistent, because I think the guilt by association principle is foolish and I uniformly disregard it as a source of moral wisdom.
Since I’m providing clarity here, it’s also worth pointing out that there are many waves of feminist movements, and the earliest waves have little if anything objectionable about them anyway. However, it’s all a moot point to me, since I think that plumbing the depths of historical origins is immaterial to the moral value of a course of action.
Hey thanks for the clarification, I am surprised your answer was so clear on the hope thing.
I am the kinda person who doesn’t think it’s all that good of an example to use the word hope for all kinda of secular things, especially when it’s used exactly like you said, really not hope rather desiring something that is typically already seen or known about. And this type of hope was mentioned in the Bible 📖
“hope that is seen is no hope at all.”
Also another thought I consider often is the kind of example it leaves for the generation who hears Christians who use hope frequently , in light of the verse above, I would save it for conversation concerning things that are unseen or at minimum how Paul used it, concerning something rather important.
Like traveling long distance to see the brethren.
“For I hope to see you soon, and then we will talk face to face.”
Also I have always agreed on your position regarding women and pants. While it’s a difficult topic if a women doesn’t care to consider what the Bible says when its instruction regarding modesty uses the KJV term “shamefacedness”
Because she or he may not care about holiness at the time of bringing up the topic.
If people in general applied that definition to a dress, or a shirt or pants then how different society would look.
I think society’s more obvious outward look of impunity started with the love of money [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
and drug use just added to that pushed by celebrity figure that I consider idols like Elvis/Beatles etc . They were tools used in advertising of a product, way back when I look at coca cola advertisements, near the Marilyn Monroe days, I seen the clothing of women degrading. Also they were used to push the enemy’s agenda that is of lawlessness that it may abound. Well here we are today, here in California it’s rare to see young ladies dress with dignity outside in the summer.
I have yet to find a church that the pastor teaches on a topic that I think is destroying the church, that is all the wickedness on TV, video games etc.
I personally have a few big screen what I call monitors, because I only watch Christian content. Well it’s a lonely road, although the wait could be over in the twinkling of an eye, so when the master comes unexpectedly pray I am ready !
Anyway, thanks for all you guys do in this ministry you have it’s nice to read your material, it’s very thoughtful and informative for those who want to have a balanced approach.
While I think public school and college has destroyed the faith or made it lukewarm if it wasn’t already of many I understand what you meant now. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
Oops. Correction. Sorry KJV uses trust 🙂
NKJV changes trust to hope.
Sometimes I have to double check, because my favorite audio is a couple books from the Bible experience ( image guilt by association, I would be totally condemned!)
” trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face ”
Paul used in Romans
“But hope that is seen is no hope at all”
NKJV changes trust to hope here also. 🙁
“Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, I will come to you: for I trust to see you in my journey, and to be brought on my way thitherward by you, if first I be somewhat filled with your company.”
I usually use NKJV although I have noticed some issues arise like this one before, so sometimes I like to check. Sorry for the mistake!