

Have you ever heard of hyper fundamentalism? If not, maybe some of these sayings/sentiments will be more familiar:

“The Bible says women’s pants are an abomination unto the Lord!”

“You better be careful disagreeing with the man of God—the Bible says, ‘Touch not mine anointed!'”

“I may not be able to give you chapter and verse for beards being a sin, but wouldn’t you rather be safe than sorry?”

“I’d rather make heaven by a mile than miss it by an inch!”

Whether you’re currently part of a hyper-fundamentalist group, years removed from it, or somewhere in between, we hope our faith-based resources—articles, podcasts, videos, directories, social media, and more—will be a blessing to you as you cross-examine what you’ve been taught and pursue biblical holiness.

Along with our educational resources, we’ve also facilitated in-person meetups, led 19 community groups, and cohosted a conference, all with the goal of fostering support and connection among likeminded believers. While we wish we could offer these opportunities in 2024, events and groups are temporarily paused to allow our team to focus on curriculum production and organizational development. We hope this season will allow us to expand our team and significantly improve our support resources going forward!

In the meantime, feel free to contact us. We are not able to offer counsel, but are always willing to listen to your story, and when relevant, make referrals and recommend resources.

Last but not least, thank you so much to our supporters and financial partners! Our current season of growth and development is only possible because of your generosity. Together with God’s help, may we fulfill our shared mission of guiding believers out of fear and shame and into the gospel of grace!


The Bereans… were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word
with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Acts 17:11

From Our Readers

“I prayed about leaving the Apostolic church for over a year before discovering Berean Holiness. The small groups, articles, videos, and posts taught me more than I could ever imagine. My husband and I finally had the knowledge to back up what we had felt in our spirit for so long. We have since found a healthy non denominational church (with leadership who also left the holiness movement). It has been a BLESSING. I am so thankful for the Berean Holiness Ministry!”

 —B. W.

We’re so humbled and grateful to receive positive feedback as we share our work with tens of thousands of Holiness Christians around the world, from all different movements:

The Message (Branhamism), “The Church with No Name” (2x2s), Holdeman Mennonite, Conservative Mennonite, Amish, Holiness Pentecostal (Trinitarian), Oneness Pentecostal, Free Holiness (“Holy Ghost or Nothing”), Conservative Holiness, General Assembly of the Church of the First Born, The Brethren, Independent Fundamental Baptist, and more.

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