Join the Team

Our mission at Berean Holiness is to guide believers out of shame and fear and into the gospel of grace. We do this through education and support. This includes long-form articles, social media posts, videos, reels, discussion forums, one on one support, and weekly community groups. Going forward, we would love to expand into hosting in-person events, podcasting, curriculum, public speaking, and more. 

As we grow, the time, expertise, and experience of volunteers remains one of our greatest needs, both in the public ministry and the behind-the-scenes administration. We’ve barely scratched the surface of discovering what we can accomplish when we work as a team. Would you like to join us in this mission? We would love to serve alongside you.

Social Media Coordinator

Social Media is a key component of the Berean Holiness strategy. Just one short post has the power to let one person know they’re not alone, challenge another person to study Scripture on a deeper level, and present the gospel to both in a grace-filled way they’ve never heard. While you can only go so far with information in a social media sound-bite, it remains a powerful way to find people. In the past, just one strategic Facebook post resulted in over a thousand new page followers, who were then introduced to our deeper resources—the website, videos, discussion forums, and community groups.

As the ministry of Berean Holiness has grown, the responsibilities of managing it have grown too. It is becoming increasingly less feasible for the founders of Berean Holiness to coordinate the Facebook and Instagram while keeping up with the many other tasks of running an organization. Unfortunately, this often results in weeks, even months, of silence on both platforms. During these times, countless opportunities to encourage and  inform are lost, and thousands of people go unreached who otherwise would’ve found the posts.

Do you have the time and ability to fill the gap and help us get our content out on a regular basis?

Here’s what the role of Social Media Coordinator would likely entail (subject to change):

  • Zoom meetings 1-3 times a month
  • Partnering with Natalie to create a social media schedule for 1-3 months out
  • Scheduling/publishing 1-5 posts a week
  • Creating IG/FB stories on a weekly basis
  • Monitoring posts and comment sections
  • Coordinating with content creators to plan content
  • Assigning reasonable deadlines and following up
  • Coming up with ideas for reels (potentially participating in them)
  • Organizing collaborative content creation
  • Writing captions (for example, when sharing resources)
  • Tracking/recording/reporting simple data
Screenshot social media coordinator

Community Groups Administrator

Hosting seasonal community groups (via Zoom) is one of the most personal and impactful resources we offer. We have an amazing team of volunteers who lead the groups. Past groups have included a book study on healing from spiritual abuse, a verse by verse Bible study through Galatians, and cross-examinations of the Oneness Pentecostal gospel vs. the biblical gospel.

However, it takes more than group leaders to make the community groups happen. Hours of planning, promotion, communication, scheduling, record-keeping, organization, and other administration work is also necessary. Are you willing to step in and partner with us to make the community groups possible?

Here’s what the role of Community Groups Administrator would likely entail (subject to change):

  • Gathering the group info from the group leaders
  • Updating the groups’ webpage with the new information
  • Updating the registration form for the new season of groups
  • Creating content to promote the groups
  • Working with the social media team to schedule and post the promotional content
  • Organizing the incoming registration forms into spreadsheets
  • Closing the groups when they are full
  • Answering communications/questions regarding the groups
  • Communicating with applicants as needed (before/during/after)
  • Providing leaders with completed lists of members and email addresses
  • Forwarding scholarship applications for review and communicating approval/denial
  • Tracking donation information and forwarding it to our accountant
  • Keeping records of relevant information while groups are in progress
  • Updating and promoting/sharing the follow-up survey
  • Organizing results from the survey
Woman taking notes at a computer

Communications Manager

Every part of the Berean Holiness ministry is important, but the point of contact is the critical bridge between reaching people and plugging them into the resources they need. We receive Facebook DMs, Instagram DMs, emails (through multiple accounts), contact forms via our website, and more on a regular basis. There can easily be a couple dozen messages in a week, and sometimes the amount is much higher. In the shuffle, it’s not uncommon for messages to get lost or overlooked and go unanswered for months. Considering many people who reach out are facing, in, or recovering from a faith crisis, losing their message is not acceptable. We need someone to step up and partner with us to manage our communications, not only so we can keep up with current messages, but so we can encourage more people to reach out.

Here’s what the role of Communications Manger would likely entail (subject to change):

  • Working with Natalie to create a tier system for messages according to their urgency
  • Sorting incoming messages 2-5 days a week
  • Recommending which messages go unanswered
  • Assigning messages that need answers to a specific communications volunteer
  • Following up with volunteers if their assigned messages go unanswered for a set amount of time
  • Personally answering a portion of the messages on behalf of Berean Holiness
  • Keeping tabs of every message that comes in and ensuring none are overlooked
  • Working with Natalie to create a guide for volunteers on how to answer FAQs
  • Helping to create a guide for determining what resources are appropriate to share
  • Ensuring messages are being answered according to guidelines
  • Training new communications volunteers
  • Tracking/recording simple data and relevant information
Man using Mac

Community Group Leader

Seasonal community groups (via Zoom) are the most personal and impactful resource we offer. While articles, posts, and similar resources have their place, at the end of the day, God designed spiritual growth to happen in community (Ephesians 4:11-16). Nothing can replace personal interaction and relationships.

In order to keep our community groups focused on individuals and discussion-oriented, it is important to keep them reletively small (5-15 members). This requires more groups; thus, the need for seasonal, servant-hearted leaders.

We are looking for mature believers who hold traditional Christian views and values, are active in a healthy, Bible-believing church, have a firm foundation in basic apologetics and theology, and who are compassionate and sensitive— especially towards those who have suffered spiritual abuse. Do you have a desire to play a key role in supporting and encouraging those who are transitioning out of hyper-fundamentalism? If so, we would be honored to have you as part of our team of leaders.

Thank you for prayerfully considering this opportunity to join us in sharing the gospel of grace and helping believers to find hope, healing, and restoration in Christ!

Zoom Meeting Stock Photo

Expectations for primary group leaders:

  • Video interview for first-time volunteers
  • Attending planning/preparation meetings (likely February 2nd and 16th)
  • Writing a group description and leader bio (due February 16th)
  • Participating in a pre-recorded group leader introduction (will be shared publicly)
  • Creating a lesson outline and sharing it with the leader team (February 16th)
  • Choosing/creating group curriculum in partnership with the Berean Holiness supervisor
  • Setting a time limit for the group and abiding by it
  • Deciding on a recording policy for the group and abiding by it
  • Teaching/leading the group, one meeting a week, for 6-8 weeks
  • Teaching from a well-lit area with quality mic and internet (supervisor may be able to help)
  • Facilitating and moderating supportive, encouraging, and edifying discussions
  • Exhibiting kindness, compassion, and sensitivity towards all group members
  • Communicating any difficulties to the BH supervisor and allowing them to help resolve friction
  • Hosting/attending all meetings (on time, 5-10 mins early when possible)
  • In the case a meeting cannot be attended, communicating this to the BH supervisor ASAP
  • In the case a meeting cannot be attended, arranging for substitution as far in advance as possible
  • Finding a prompt, thorough way to communicate with all members
  • Overseeing meeting reminders and updates
  • Including the BH supervisor in group communication
  • Staying on the advertised topic and away from controversial subjects
  • Not teaching anything that contradicts the Berean Holiness teachings or statement of faith
  • Working amicably and communicating well with the assistant group leader


Expectations for assistant group leaders:

  • Video interview for first-time volunteers
  • Attending planning/preparation meetings (likely February 2nd and 16th)
  • Writing a leader bio (due February 16th)
  • Participating in a pre-recorded group leader introduction (will be shared publicly)
  • Willingness to help with curriculum prep and give input (at the primary leader’s discretion)
  • Attending one meeting a week, for 6-8 weeks (on time, 5-10 mins early when possible)
  • When a meeting cannot be attended, letting the primary group leader and BH supervisor know in advance
  • Having a well-lit area with sufficient mic and internet
  • Affirming the teaching with helpful input (never contradicting the leader, aside from extreme situations)
  • Facilitating and moderating supportive, encouraging, and edifying discussions
  • Exhibiting kindness, compassion, and sensitivity towards all group members
  • Supporting the primary group leader in their role
  • Leading the group in the primary leader’s absence
  • Substitute teaching if the primary leader is unable to come to a meeting
  • Sharing concerns with the BH supervisor
  • Helping with meeting reminders and updates (at the primary leader’s discretion)
  • Staying on the advertised topic and away from controversial subjects
  • Not teaching anything that contradicts the Berean Holiness teachings or statement of faith
  • Working amicably and communicating well with the primary group leader

Questions or Feedback?

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