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Do you enjoy the work of Berean Holiness? Have you found the web articles, social media, and community groups helpful? Would you like to inspire healthier teaching, scriptural honesty, and authentic discipleship? Join us today and support this mission by getting involved in one of the ways below; thank you!

Give Today

All of the resources on this site are carefully researched and specially created by our team. We have poured hundreds of volunteer hours into preparing these resources, and are working hard in the background to create more. However, the demand significantly exceeds a volunteer team’s capacity, and we need dedicated staff to grow and sustain our impact. Now, as a tax-exempt nonprofit, we would love to grow the ministry, take on new projects, and serve in new ways, but our future is limited by our means.

Will you partner with us in the mission of guiding believers out of fear and shame and into the gospel of grace? Your giving will enable us to pursue new opportunities and fulfill this purpose without financial hinderance:

We may use your generous gift to:

  • hire dedicated staff members
  • provide more personal support and produce more resource content
  • cover overhead (e.g. Zoom subscriptions, website hosting) and traveling expenses
  • increase the reach and impact of our messaging
  • and much more!

Give via Mail

Make checks payable to: 
Berean Holiness
PO Box 1271
Smyrna, TN 37167

Give via Zelle

Send to:
[email protected]

Tax ID: 92-2172074

Berean Holiness is a registered 501(c)3 organization.

Share Your Story (Submit a Testimonial)

Your story is powerful! If Berean Holiness has impacted, encouraged, challenged, or blessed you in any way, please consider taking a few minutes to share that with us, so we can share it on our testimonial page.

Your story not only encourages us, it also encourages donors who are considering partnering with us, which will enable Berean Holiness to reach a wider audience and have a greater impact. We are looking for stories and specific mentions of how Berean Holiness has helped you in discovering the gospel of grace and drawing closer to Christ in the midst (or aftermath) of transitioning out of a unhealthy/hyper-fundamentalist church group.

Most importantly, your story encourages those who are disentangling faith. Many of our readers are making critical decisions right now about what they believe, how they will serve Christ, where they will attend church, if they will attend church, and how they will respond to shaming and rejection. Some are handling it well, while others feel alone and are becoming overwhelmed.

Have you been there? Have you walked where they’re walking and lived to tell the story? Then they need to hear from you! If you come from a background in Apostolic, Holiness, Branhamite, Mennonite, Independent Fundamental Baptist, or similar churches, your testimonial is going to be especially impactful!

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