History of the Holiness Movement (Videos)

Welcome to our dive into Holiness Pentecostal history! From the United Pentecostal Church to the Assembly of God to the Church of God and so many independent churches, we all share the same history up until the 1910’s. I’ve greatly enjoyed mining out our story over the past few years; I’m so happy to finally get to share the origin, early teachings, and doctrinal development of the Holiness and Pentecostal movements. If you have placed your faith in Christ alone for salvation and are following Him, please know that I fully recognize you as my brother/sister in Christ. Whether or not we come to the same conclusions on how to teach Holiness and Pentecostal theology today, my sincere hope is to be a blessing by accurately and concisely presenting its roots. I have learned so much and been so inspired by the early Holiness Pentecostal zeal, dedication, evangelism, humility, and passion for Christ. I have no doubt you will be, as well. Thank you so much for following the Berean Holiness YouTube channel!


We’ve heard of Free Holiness, Congregational Holiness, Wesleyan Holiness, Apostolic Holiness, independent Holiness, and all the stories about how Church of God, Assembly’s of God, Nazarene, and Methodist “used to be Holiness.” But what does that mean? Are we all related? Yes! All the above groups share a common doctrinal lineage; our branches trace back to the same roots—the Holiness revival movement of the 1800’s. So what was the original Holiness movement about and how did it begin? These questions are answered in the video. Thank you so much for your feedback and shares!